Monday, February 7, 2011

You Are MY diamOnd...

I think this is heavy entry for me.hee..i might be too young for write this entry but i can voice out my opinion okai..its not that i'm lil excited to get married in this early aged...oh.tidak2!!...cuma memandangkan sekarang musim kawan2 membina masjid,so entry neyh lahir dgn sendiri nya dan berdasarkan perkongsian dan pengalaman orang laen.i'm just too young for getting married because i know there are big responsibility behind marriage...for me, u can married if you prepare to bear the consequences..i didn't said that dun get married but preparation is the key of marriage.... :

Renungkan la:

"Cinta amat mahal takrifnya,itulah yang difitrah oleh Allah s.w.t kpd hambanya.Cint hanya tertulis pada perkataan,tetapi gagal dilihat secara zahirnya..kerana cinta itu tanggungjawab dimana wujudnya kesetiaan dan kejujuran.Cinta takkan datang kalo tak dicari,cinta jugak takkan datang kalo tiada siapa yang memberi,tapi mencari biarlah pada yang sudi bkn meminta pada yang simpati"

wHen we in university or while you're studying..there are many of our friends getting married at our maybe for women,it a bit pressure for them because of some of them think they have to get married in this aged..but i am not used earlier marriage because i know it not a simple as ABC...this is the situation whereby we have to fulfill all the responsibility as a coupled. I'm sure my parent won't allow me to married in this aged plus i don't ever think that i will getting married at the aged that i called "mentah"..hehe...

"Mentah"..?...ya ya ya..of cos "mentah" meh...Marriage is not a simple thing as " I love You" or " Saya terima nikahnya"..but it combination of "sacrife" "compromise" "loyalty" between each others.

marriage is not like fairytale story whereby it end with a good doesn't mean that when your soulmate is good looking then your future will be"goody-goody" all the times.

Im alway's wonder that "can i be a good husband for my future wife"...
i won't get married unless i'm ready to be good husband and good dad for my family

so here the solution for myself
1-don't get married until i'm finish my degree or maybe master or phd...:P
2- find my "soulmate"....insyaallah wanita solehah
stop stop stop...i have to remind for myself 1st..

stop looking for perfect one,
enough with a simple one...
don't set too will not be achieved.
enough with a medium one..
"dont be too choosy in choosing a right one because feature of righteous is "ongoing process"-built ongoing basis or time basis.... maybe before marriage "nilai islamnya rendah" but with a guidance from her husband the level of righteous can be upgrade...

Insyaallah from guide from Allah,we will find our "soulmate".it all depend to our "niat".if our intentian is sincere, insyaallah everything will be alright.

"Try to be sincere all the times is hard,but to be build sincere in innerself is more harder.."

before marriage there are one stages call " love stages".. whereby it becomes norms to modern people..but i want remind to all people(including me) and especially to girl and women.

Bermula pada hari ini, jadikan DIRIMU bagai pohon yang rendang di mana setiap insan dapat berteduh. JANGANLAH jadi seperti pohon kering tempat sang pungguk melepas rindu dan hanya layak dibuat kayu api.



  1. oke.sgt amat telalu kagum..=)

  2. haish..feedi neyh...jgn guna sgt amat terlalu...biasa2 jer..

  3. alala..merendah diri pulak..=)..btw,nice one..

  4. pekerti itu,
    bukan semaksum Nabi Muhammad moleknya,
    kerana hanya dia kekasih-Nya,
    mengalah yang muda, menghormati yang tua,
    jujur, ikhlas dan juga setia,
    sebagai nakhoda melayari bahtera,
    menjadi kunci keluarga bahagia.
